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Semester 2

Midterm Review

This semester has been pretty relax thus far, it has been a lot of learning new information, programs, and figuring out exactly what we can and cannot do with the skill that we have. Though it has been pretty relax, I'm not pulling any all nighters trying to get everything finished and mounted before the deadline like last semester, it still has been frustrating and time consuming. The reason why it's been time consuming is due to the face that I will spend a lot of time design something only to find out that in reality it will not work. This is why I also get frustrated because sometimes I will spend 6 hrs trying to get something to work out only to find out that I was wrong and had to simply my idea's. Though the end outcomes of this project have turned out decent and I have gotten the opportunity to learn these new programs and play more with creating websites, which had been a lot of fun. The somewhat failures in these projects have made me very excited to do it again after break because I'll have a little more experience and hopefully come out with better outcomes.  

The Second part of this semester has actually not been as nightmarish as I thought it would be. I was able to pick what object I wanted to design so that choice was obvious. I also got to create a different idea to what ultimate players call wall discs which I think is pretty cool. I also am in love with this design so it was fun to play with ti and make it come out from the surface. Another thing that made this half of the semester was the fact that I was already slightly familar with the program than before, so learning the new things weren't as difficult because I already knew the basics. Then it was basically the same when it came to the dome, I already knew what I needed to do so it was just a matter of filming, and Emma was there and dogs are adorible so all is good! I was very pleased with what I did this semester as a whole, it was probably the most fun I've had in the major since making the transfer so I'm a happy camper!  

Final Review

Click on photo to bring up the document of a more detailed timelog!

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