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The second project we did was to remake a flyer/poster, 8 ½ x 11, or the annual red barn art festival.  This project I would was seems harder because we already saw a flyer so I already have preconceived ideas, so I have to make sure my idea is original as oppose to being influenced by something that I saw. In this project I thought of actually doing a type of illustration that is arty because the focus of it was to get students to come sell their work, so I thought it would be a bit fitting to have an artwork be a focal point.  As my art piece I did a sort of duck, because of…reasons… I actually didn’t have any reason to drawing the duck it just happened. I was a bit frustrated while making this because the duck took a lot longer than I anticipated and it didn’t turn out looking as good as I would have wanted it to for the time it took to make it. In this project we had a 3 hour limitation so I spent a solid 2 hours and 15 min of my time working on the duck so I also couldn’t make the layout as strong as I wanted it to because of the amount of time that I gave myself. With that being said I was ambitious with my duck, if I had a cintiq (which is what I had at my old school) I would have been much more successful. Though even this project was hard for me to deal with it was a great learning experience and even though I very much dislike my final outcome, I feel like it wasn’t completely useless.


Then after this we had to take our poster and put it into two other formats, I choice to do a billboard and the n a newspaper ad. I didn’t make many changes at all to this in the billboard I took out the text that didn’t give the essential information, because the time frame of viewing it would only be about 15 seconds so the main focus was making it grabbing. The newspaper I took away the black background and made it white because we learned that black backgrounds do not work to well in newspaper because of color and bleed. In the end I ended up actually liking the white plan background more because it was less noisy and more astatically pleasing.

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