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We also were told to make a video spot for our product and or website. Naturally I made a 15 second spot using the Looney Tunes theme music because looney tunes involve a bunny, and also I would say that it is geeky. I made my video using after effects, which I found fairly easy because I've taken motion graphics before and the whole case we only used after effects. 

*Click First Image to go back to ART321 page.

For this assignment we had to bring in an item to class and after that our Professor gave us the assignment. What we had to do was package the item, and make a website for it. So naturally I forgot to bring something to class, but I was wearing a stocking cap that day so I decided that that would be my item. I came up with an idea very quickly because I always thought of this hat as my geeky hat so the title came to me very quick and easily. Geeky bunny incorporation came to me in like in a solid two minutes. Then came designing a logo which also came to me very easily because I had a lot to work with namily a bunny.

Like I said this logo came to me fairly easily. I was doodling in my Art History class when I came up with it. A lot of my idea's come from my doodles in that class. I made the pencil outline then transferred it into Illustrator and made this out of it. The logo is the first thing I made, so after that I based a lot of my other aspects of the project off of this. You can clearly see this with my packaging for the project above.

These three images are from the three layers of my website Geeky Bunny INC. I made a Homepage, About Us page, and a Products page. With this assignment we also had to make a amazon page for our product, so I just took all the images and information I used for that page and transferred it to my Products page. On my home page you will also see my web-banner for my product, that tells you if you like what you see visit the products tab to get a closer look at our stocking cap. For this fraction of the assignment I used Adobe Muse, which is an app in the Adobe Creative Suite that allows you to make a website without the use of coding. I have no prior knowledge on how to use HTML or CSS so having the ability to make a website without have the knowledge in coding was very helpful.   


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